| DigimonBASIC:> /digidex
← Digidex



Main Info

Level: Adult DD
Attribute: Data DD
Type: Beast Man DD
Field: Nature Spirits Unknown


A martial artist Digimon discovered within the hinterlands of a Chinese mountain province. It pursued the viruses that exploit e-mails to do evil as their eternal enemy, and wandered the world. Although it is blessed with the makings of an unparalleled Ch'uan Fa, it is still developing it. It uses the original Togaken that it has worked out. Its Signature Move is a quick and stealthy Ch'uan Fa which capitalizes on its great leaping power (Ninjin Ken). Its Special Move is a striking technique using the "Tokaku Tessou" on both of its arms (Gantoretto). It is a combo-attack technique unleashed with a great leap and rabbit-like agility.

Evolves From

Evolves To

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