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Victory Greymon

Victory Greymon

Main Info

Level: Ultimate DD
Attribute: Vaccine DD
Type: Dragon Man DD
Field: Dragon's Roar


A subspecies of War Greymon, whose body is clad in armor of the super-metal "Chrome Digizoid", it easily wields its gigantic sword, and is the "Dragon Warrior of Heroes" that fights against its opponents with unique sword techniques. Its Special Moves are wielding its gigantic crushing sword "Dramon Breaker" to perform a heroic sword technique in which it strikes the opponent, instead of slashing, pulverizing them (Dramon Breaker), and splits the Dramon Breaker and equipping the pieces to its arms, taking all the energy within the atmosphere and concentrating it into the tips of its sword, then firing it (Trident Gaia). Also, it has a unique sword technique named "Victory Charge" which allows it to reflect back an opponent's attack with its gigantic sword. In addition, Victory Greymon possesses an evolutionary code that differs from Digimon that were naturally born in the Digital World, and it is thought that it is a Digimon that evolved from a Digitama that was produced due to artificial data intervention.

Evolves From

Evolves To

Source: Wikimon

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