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Were Garurumon

Were Garurumon

Main Info

Level: Perfect DD
Attribute: Vaccine DD Data St-239
Type: Beast Man DD
Field: Metal Empire Nature Spirits Nightmare Soldiers


A Beast Man Digimon that evolved from Garurumon and became able to walk on two legs. Due to becoming bipedal it lost its speed, but became a Commando Type Digimon with stronger offensive and defensive power, as well as developing a tactical nature. Its kicking techniques, which it unleashes using the leg strength it inherited from Garurumon, are quite strong, so its jumping ability contends for first or second place among other Digimon. Also, it is rich with loyalty, and has a reliable nature, faithfully executing its mission if its master gives it an order. Its Special Move is cutting the opponent to pieces with the sharp claws on both of its hands (Kaiser Nail).

Evolves From

Fugamon Bo-191
Gaogamon DSCS
Garurumon (Jogressed with or without Wizarmon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen3.5
Garurumon (Black)
Greymon (Black)
Gururumon DW2
Hanumon (Jogressed with Meramon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen3.5
Icemon Bo-263
Igamon Pen0
Leomon DM02-028
Meramon (Jogressed with Hanumon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen3.5
Mojyamon Bo-263
Orgemon DSCS
Wizarmon (Jogressed with or without Garurumon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen3.5
Yukidarumon DW

Evolves To

Ancient Garurumon (with or without Ancient Evolution or the Spirit of Light) DSLE
Baihumon (Jogressed with or without Grappu Leomon) Digimon Crusader
Beowolfmon (Jogressed with Wolfmon) St-917
Boltmon (Jogressed with any Perfect Digimon) Bo-196
Callismon Bo-17v
Demon St-652
Dinotigermon Da-116
Duftmon Da-465
Duftmon Leopard Mode Da-416
Grappu Leomon (Jogressed with or without Baihumon)
Magna Garurumon
Mercurymon (with or without Any Perfect Digimon or Prairiemon and Orgemon) Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars
Metal Garurumon (Jogressed with or without any Perfect Digimon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen0
Metal Garurumon (Black) DSCS
Metal Garurumon X-Antibody Sx-13
Metal Seadramon
Mirage Gaogamon DSCS
Rosemon X-Antibody Bx-185
Saint Galgomon
Sakuyamon Da-2
Seraphimon (Jogressed with Holy Angemon) Bo-284
Skull Mammon Pen3.5
Vikemon (Jogressed with Whamon) DSSM
War Greymon X-Antibody Bx-152
Were Garurumon X-Antibody (with X-Antibody)
Z'd Garurumon DWReD

Source: Wikimon

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