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Black Megalo Growmon

Black Megalo Growmon

Main Info

Level: Perfect DD
Attribute: Virus DD
Type: Cyborg DD
Field: Metal Empire Nightmare Soldiers


A Perfect Cyborg Digimon that evolved from Black Growmon. Like Black Growmon, its Virus-species nature is expressed by its darker appearance, and it is called the "Black Destroyer Dragon". Its upper body has been metallized with the strongest metal, "Chrome Digizoid", and it is able to take flight with the two vernier attached to both of its shoulders. Also, since the cable-like object extending from the back section is extensible, it can be used to impale the opponent. Its Signature Move is cutting the opponent to pieces with the "Pendulum Blades" on both of its arms (Double Edge). Its Signature Move is an attack fired from both of the gunports on its chest that destroys the opponent on the atomic level (Atomic Blaster).

Evolves From

Evolves To

Belphemon Rage Mode DM02-109
Black War Greymon (Jogressed with or without Megadramon) DSSM
Chaos Dukemon (Jogressed with or without Diablomon) DSSM
Darkdramon DM02-102
Dukemon Da-170
Dukemon X-Antibody Bx-78
Megidramon (Jogressed with or without Shadramon) DSSM

Source: Wikimon

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