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Ancient Greymon

Main Info
Level: Ultimate

Attribute: Vaccine

Type: Ancient Dragon


Attribute: Vaccine

Type: Ancient Dragon


Possessing the attribute of "flame", it is one of the Warrior Ten Digimon that saved the ancient Digital World. An Ultimate who existed only in the distant past, it is told that its strength surpasses that of current Ultimates, and it is certainly an "Ultimate" being. Ancient Greymon's abilities were later passed on to the "Dragon Digimon" of the Greymon-species. It is said that in the previous crusade, it survived to the end alongside Ancient Garurumon, and sealed away Lucemon. Its Special Moves are gathering the spirit of the land and creating a tornado to swallow up the opponent and blow them away (Gaia Tornado), and inducing a super-detonation over the surrounding kilometers with an intense flash (Omega Burst).
Evolves From
Agnimon (Ancient Evolution) 
Diablomon (Jogressed with Imperialdramon Paladin Mode)
Imperialdramon Paladin Mode (Jogressed with Diablomon)
Metal Greymon (with or without Ancient Evolution or the Spirit of Fire) (with or without Master Tyranomon, Paildramon and Agnimon)
Metal Greymon X-Antibody
War Greymon

Diablomon (Jogressed with Imperialdramon Paladin Mode)

Imperialdramon Paladin Mode (Jogressed with Diablomon)

Metal Greymon (with or without Ancient Evolution or the Spirit of Fire) (with or without Master Tyranomon, Paildramon and Agnimon)

Metal Greymon X-Antibody

War Greymon

Evolves To
Susanoomon (with or without Ancient Garurumonor Ancient Garurumon, Ancient Sphinxmon, Ancient Troiamon and Ancient Beatmon) 

Source: Wikimon