| DigimonBASIC:> /digidex
← Digidex



Main Info

Level: Adult DD
Attribute: Data DD
Type: Beast Man DD
Field: Nature Spirits Unknown


A Power Digimon endowed with the arm strength to crush anything and the leg strength to crush things underfoot no matter how hard they are. However, it surprises the opponent with light movements that aren't expected from its physique, and seizes the opportunity to add to the attack with the Energy Cannon on its right hand. It found its aesthetic in "Hit And Away". Its Special Move "Power Attack" is super-powerful.

Evolves From

Evolves To

Deadly Tuwarmon Hell Mode (w/ Tuwarmon, Deadly Axemon, energy from Hell's Field, Sethmon, as well as multiple Gryzmon, Goatmon, Dobermon and Bullmon) XW47
Death Meramon Bo-1067
Metal Greymon (Virus) Dw-2
Mummymon St-192

Source: Wikimon

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