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Lady Devimon

Lady Devimon

Main Info

Level: Perfect DD
Attribute: Virus DD
Type: Fallen Angel DD
Field: Nightmare Soldiers Unknown


A female Fallen Angel Digimon of noble stature. Because of its strength due to the incomparable purity of its Dark Side Power, it is said that the limits on its spread and growth on personal computers is "0". Its Special Move is "Darkness Wave", which releases countless creatures of darkness similar to bats which burn the opponent to cinders. Another Special Move, "Poison", uses Dark Energy to reverse the phase of the opponent's own powers, obliterating them from within. The more powerful the opponent is, the more complete the technique is.

Evolves From

Angemon PenP2
Angewomon XW54
Aquilamon DM-108
Bakemon DM02-067
Black Tailmon DSCS
Cockatrimon (Jogressed with or without Devidramon or Lekismon) DSSM
Coelamon St-365
Darcmon DC
Devidramon (Jogressed with or without Cockatrimon or Lekismon) DSSM
Devimon DWReD
Dokugumon Pen3.5
Evilmon Da-099
Golemon Bo-787
Harpymon Bo-787
Ice Devimon DSCS
Kyubimon DSCS
Lekismon (Jogressed with Cockatrimon or Devidramon) DSSM
Meramon DWRe
Siesamon PenP2
Soulmon Da-099
Tailmon DS
Witchmon PenP2
Wizarmon DC
Yasyamon St-365
Youkomon DC

Evolves To

Beelzebumon PenP2
Death Meramon Digimon Crusader
Deathmon (Black) Bo-244
Demon (Jogressed with or without certain Digimon from the Pendulum series , Vamdemon or Vamdemon, Blue Meramon and Dagomon) Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars
Diablomon Digital Monster: D-Project
Imperialdramon St-359
Lilithmon (with or without Archnemon and Scorpiomon) Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars
Lotusmon (Jogressed with or without Blossomon) Digimon Story: SunburstDigimon Story: Moonlight
Marsmon Bo-981
Mastemon (Jogressed with Angewomon) DSCS
Metal Garurumon (Black) DM-205
Minervamon Da-114
Neo Vamdemon Darkness Mode (Vampire Army) (with Neo Vamdemon and Devimon) XW33
Ofanimon PenP2
Piemon DC
Rosemon Bo-238
Seraphimon PenP2
Venom Vamdemon (Jogress with any Perfect Digimon) St-97

Source: Wikimon

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