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Queen Chessmon

Main Info
Level: Ultimate


Type: Puppet



Type: Puppet


The strongest Digimon of the Chessmon series which possesses extreme range and offensive ability. It is a reliable being that defends the cowardly King Chessmon. That superior offensive ability is a power that sometimes seems rather inhuman. Its catchphrase is, "God of Chess, bestow pardon!" Its Special Moves are impaling the opponent's vitals with the swords on its armor (Heart Breaker), "Queen Stamp", and "Queen Stick". Also, it can give the opponent a hard time with its Hime no Wagamama.
Evolves From
Andiramon (Jogressed with Cyberdramon or Crescemon) 
Bishop Chessmon (Black)
Crescemon (Jogressed with Andiramon or Cyberdramon)
Cyberdramon (Jogressed with Crescemon or Andiramon)
Mach Gaogamon (Burst Evolution)
Rook Chessmon (Black)

Bishop Chessmon (Black)

Crescemon (Jogressed with Andiramon or Cyberdramon)

Cyberdramon (Jogressed with Crescemon or Andiramon)

Mach Gaogamon (Burst Evolution)

Rook Chessmon (Black)

Evolves To
Source: Wikimon