| DigimonBASIC:> /digidex
← Digidex



Main Info

Level: Child Bo-416
Attribute: Vaccine Bo-416
Type: Machine Bo-416
Field: Metal Empire


Evolves From

Evolves To

Blimpmon St-631
Bomber Nanimon Digimon Story: SunburstDigimon Story: Moonlight
Clockmon DSCS
Diatrymon (Jogressed with Dot Falcomon) Digimon Story: SunburstDigimon Story: Moonlight
Flare Lizarmon (Jogressed with Dot Agumon) Digimon Story: SunburstDigimon Story: Moonlight
Geremon DSCS
Gold Numemon Battle Terminal
Gururumon DM-130
Kenkimon (with the Digimental of Friendship) St-645
Meramon DSCS
Nanimon (Jogressed with or without Impmon) Digimon Story: SunburstDigimon Story: Moonlight
Puchiemon St-635
Starmon DSCS
Trailmon Ball Bo-99t
Turuiemon St-633
Whamon DM-160

Source: Wikimon

DigimonBASIC ~ 2014-2024 DotAgumon