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Tonosama Gekomon

Tonosama Gekomon

Main Info

Level: Perfect DD
Attribute: Virus DD
Type: Amphibian DD
Field: Nature Spirits


Evolves From

Gekomon (Jogressed with or without Monochromon or certain Digimon of the Pendulum series ) Pen1.5
Gokimon Bo-287
Hookmon (Jogressed with Shellmon) DSSM
Karatsuki Numemon DSCS
Kuwagamon (Jogressed with Starmon or certain Digimon of the Pendulum series) Pen1.5
Monochromon (Jogressed with Gekomon or certain Digimon of the Pendulum series) Pen1.5
Peckmon (Burst Evolution) DB
Raremon Bo-996
Sand Yanmamon Bo-287
Seadramon DSCS
Shellmon (Jogressed with or without Hookmon) DSSM
Starmon (Jogressed with Kuwagamon or certain Digimon of the Pendulum series) Pen1.5
Togemon Bo-996
Zassoumon Bo-287

Evolves To

Giga Seadramon
King Chessmon (Jogressed with Mamemon) DSSM
Leviamon DSCS
Metal Etemon (Jogressed with Insekimon , certain Digimon of the Pendulum series or Any Perfect Digimon) Bo-27
Parasimon (Jogressed with Jyagamon and Pumpmon)
Plesiomon DSCS
Pukumon DW2
Vikemon DSCS

Source: Wikimon

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