| DigimonBASIC:> /digidex
← Digidex



Main Info

Level: Adult Bo-242
Attribute: Vaccine Bo-242
Type: Reptile Bo-242
Field: Nature Spirits


Evolves From

Agumon St-944
Armadimon (Jogressed with or without Gottsumon or Otamamon) DSSM
Bakumon St-469
Clear Agumon Bo-242
Gazimon St-944
Goburimon Bo-242
Gomamon DW2
Gottsumon (Jogressed with or without Otamamon or Armadimon) DSSM
Kamemon Digimon Crusader
Lucemon St-469
Otamamon (Jogressed with or without Armadimon or Gottsumon) DSSM
Patamon St-944
Plotmon St-469
Tentomon St-25
Yuki Agumon Bo-242

Evolves To

Atlur Kabuterimon (Blue) (Jogressed with or without Flymon or Nise Drimogemon) DSSM
Jyagamon (Jogressed with Starmon or certain Digimon of the Pendulum series) Pen1
Okuwamon X-Antibody (Jogressed with Kuwagamon) Sx-17
Piccolomon (Jogressed with Gekomon or certain Digimon of the Pendulum series) Pen1
Sagomon Digimon Crusader
Zudomon DW2

Source: Wikimon

DigimonBASIC ~ 2014-2025 DotAgumon