| DigimonBASIC:> /digidex
← Digidex


Main Info
Level: Hybrid
Attribute: Vaccine

Type: Demon Dragon


Attribute: Vaccine

Type: Demon Dragon


A Digimon that possesses power over Flame which bears the might of one of the legendary Ten Warriors. This firefighter has skin that can withstand high temperatures, the ability to move even through lava, and snuffs out flames with instant, explosive blazes. It is said that it was born from active volcano research data, and it is thought that it contains an immeasurably, unknown energy. The name of the fire dragon, who is considered the nemesis of the thunder god Indra of Indian mythology, is embodied in its ferocious nature. The more heroic its tactics and the more powerful the opponent is, the more it burns with combativeness. It also are has a reckless side that doesn't understand retreating, even in a disadvantageous fight. Its Special Moves are firing lasers, that rival a solar heat ray from the "Rudriya Darpaṇa" superweapons[N 1] on both of its arms (Corona Blaster), setting its whole body aflame, then releasing a high-temperature tornado by flapping its wings (Flame Storm).
Evolves From
Agnimon (with or without Slide Evolution and Reverse Slide Evolution , the Beast Spirit of Fire or Jogressed with or without Any Adult Digimon) 
Any Adult Digimon (Jogressed with Any Hybrid Digimon)
Any Perfect Digimon with the Beast Spirit of Fire
Kanbara Takuya with the Beast Spirit of Fire
Shamamon with the Beast Spirit of Fire

Any Adult Digimon (Jogressed with Any Hybrid Digimon)

Any Perfect Digimon with the Beast Spirit of Fire


Kanbara Takuya with the Beast Spirit of Fire

Shamamon with the Beast Spirit of Fire

Evolves To
Ardhamon (Jogressed with or without Agnimon) 
Kaiser Greymon (Jogressed with Agnimon or Any Perfect Digimon)

Kaiser Greymon (Jogressed with Agnimon or Any Perfect Digimon)

Source: Wikimon