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Waru Monzaemon

Waru Monzaemon

Main Info

Level: Perfect Bo-780
Attribute: Virus Bo-780
Type: Puppet Bo-780
Field: Metal Empire Dark Area


This fiendish-faced Puppet Digimon is a far cry from Monzaemon. It's on good terms with Metal Etemon, and it is said that the Waru Monzaemon plush toy it wears on its waist is something that Waru Monzaemon sent to it. Still, similar to Monzaemon, its true form is unclear, but the peeking out of its strange, shining eyes from within is eerie. Its personality is wickedness itself, and it is treacherous due to its malice. Its left arm is equipped with the character "Evil" and the powerful "Bear Claw" of a grizzly bear. Its Special Move is giving everything a dark mood and depressing them (Heartbreak Attack). If you suffer this attack, your feelings become dark and sorrowful, and you completely lose your fighting spirit.

Evolves From

Allomon St-368
Bakemon DWReD
Black Tailmon DWReD
Boogiemon Bo-780
Centalmon DMv2
Clockmon (Jogressed with Mechanorimon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen5.5
Devimon (Jogressed with J Mojyamon) St-83
Fla Wizarmon Bo-780
Garurumon DC
Guardromon (Jogressed with Tankmon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen5.5
Hyogamon DW2
J Mojyamon (Jogressed with Devimon) St-83
Kabuterimon DMv2
Kyubimon St-368
Kyubimon (Silver)
Lekismon DC
Leomon DC
Mechanorimon (Jogressed with Clockmon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen5.5
Monzaemon DF
Orgemon DWReD
Owlmon St-368
Red Vagimon Bo-780
Tankmon (Jogressed with Guardromon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen5
Thunderballmon (Jogressed with certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen5.5
Tyranomon DMv2

Evolves To

Beelzebumon DWReD
Giga Waru Monzaemon (w/ Monzaemon‎) XW27
Gran Kuwagamon DWReD
Metal Etemon DW2
Mugendramon (Jogressed with any Perfect Digimon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen5
Pandamon Bo-561
Pharaohmon Bo-372
Pinocchimon DC
Venom Vamdemon (Jogressed with certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen5.5

Source: Wikimon

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