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Whamon Perfect

Whamon Perfect

Main Info

Level: Perfect DD
Attribute: Vaccine DD
Type: Aquatic St-92 Aquatic Mammal DD
Field: Deep Savers


Evolves From

Aquilamon iC10X
Coelamon (Jogressed with certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen2
Ebidramon (Jogressed with certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen2.5
Gaogamon iC10X
Gekomon DSCS
Geo Greymon iC10X
Ikkakumon (Jogressed with or without certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen2.5
Numemon iC10X
Orgemon AccelNG
Rukamon (Jogressed with or without certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen2.5
Seadramon (Jogressed with or without certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen2.5
Seahomon AccelNG
Sunflowmon iC10X
Tylomon Bo-736
Whamon St-92

Evolves To

Ancient Mermaimon (with Mermaimon, Anomalocarimon and Coelamon) Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars
Bantyo Liomon iC10X
Demon iC10X
Giga Seadramon (Jogressed with Gigadramon) DSSM
Marin Angemon (with or without Piccolomon and Mermaimon) Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars
Metal Seadramon DSCS
Mirage Gaogamon iC10X
Neptunemon (with or without Hangyomon, Tylomon and Dagomon) Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars
Ouryumon iC10X
Platinum Numemon iC10X
Plesiomon (Jogressed with or without Zudomon) St-87
Rosemon AccelNG
Seraphimon iC10X
Shine Greymon iC10X
Vikemon (Jogressed with Were Garurumon) DSSM

Source: Wikimon

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