| DigimonBASIC:> /digidex
← Digidex



Main Info

Level: Child DD
Attribute: Vaccine St-453 Data DD
Type: Reptile DD
Field: Metal Empire Nature Spirits Virus Busters


Although it is covered by a fur pelt, it is clearly a Reptile Digimon. Due to its extremely timid and shy personality, it always gathers up the data which Garurumon leaves behind, and shapes it into a fur pelt to wear. Because it is wearing the fur pelt of Garurumon, who is feared by other Digimon, it fills the role of safeguarding itself as a result of protecting its body. When it is wearing the fur pelt, its personality does a complete 180° shift. Its Special Move is "Petit Fire".

Evolves From

Evolves To

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