| DigimonBASIC:> /digidex
← Digidex



Main Info

Level: Adult Da-153
Attribute: Data DA Virus Da-153
Type: Machine Da-153
Field: Metal Empire


Evolves From

Evolves To

Andromon (Jogressed with or without Tankmon) Bo-1152
Big Mamemon (Jogressed with or without Greymon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen5.5
Catch Mamemon Dα-584
Death-X-DORUguremon RPG
Gerbemon DW2
Gigadramon DWReD
Grappu Leomon DSCS
Kenkimon (with the Digimental of Friendship) DS
Megadramon Pen5.5
Mach Gaogamon (Jogressed with Gryzmon) DSSM
Megalo Growmon DWRe
Metal Mamemon DSCS
Metal Tyranomon
Nanomon DSCS
Rapidmon (Jogressed with Gaogamon) DSSM
Rize Greymon DWRe
Tekkamon (with Aquilamon)
Vademon DW2
Waru Monzaemon (Jogressed with Tankmon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen5.5

Source: Wikimon

DigimonBASIC ~ 2014-2024 DotAgumon