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Main Info
Level: Ultimate

Attribute: Vaccine

Type: Holy Knight


Attribute: Vaccine

Type: Holy Knight


A Holy Knight Digimon and a member of the "Royal Knights" who was fused from the Virus Busters War Greymon and Metal Garurumon due to the powerful wills of everyone who wished for goodness. It is a Digimon who has combined the special qualities of two bodies, so it is a multitype warrior which can fully demonstrate those abilities, for any given situation. It is equipped with a sword and shield for its War Greymon-shaped left arm, and a cannon and missiles for its Metal Garurumon-shaped right arm. As for the mantle on its back, it is automatically deployed when it dodges an opponent's attack, or when it is flying. Its Special Move is freezing the opponent with frigid, absolute zero shots which it fires from the Metal Garurumon-shaped cannon (Garuru Cannon). Also, its left arm is equipped with the invincible blade, "Grey Sword".
Evolves From
Agumon (Warp Evolution)[N 1] (Jogressed with or without Gabumon or Invisible Connection) 
Angewomon (Jogressed with certain Digimon from the Pendulum series)
Black War Greymon (Jogressed with Saber Leomon)
Gabumon (Warp Evolution) (Jogressed with or without Agumon or Invisible Connection)
Holy Angemon (Jogressed with certain Digimon from the Pendulum series)
Metal Garurumon (Jogressed with War Greymon or Black War Greymon)
Metal Garurumon X-Antibody
Metal Greymon (Jogressed with Were Garurumon)
Omegamon X-Antibody with X-Antibody Seal
Warg and Melga
Were Garurumon (Jogressed with Metal Greymon)
Victory Greymon (Jogressed with Z'd Garurumon)
War Greymon (Jogressed with or without Metal Garurumon or Saber Leomon)
Z'd Garurumon (Jogressed with Victory Greymon)

Angewomon (Jogressed with certain Digimon from the Pendulum series)

Black War Greymon (Jogressed with Saber Leomon)

Gabumon (Warp Evolution) (Jogressed with or without Agumon or Invisible Connection)

Holy Angemon (Jogressed with certain Digimon from the Pendulum series)

Metal Garurumon (Jogressed with War Greymon or Black War Greymon)

Metal Garurumon X-Antibody

Metal Greymon (Jogressed with Were Garurumon)

Omegamon X-Antibody with X-Antibody Seal

Warg and Melga
Were Garurumon (Jogressed with Metal Greymon)

Victory Greymon (Jogressed with Z'd Garurumon)
War Greymon (Jogressed with or without Metal Garurumon or Saber Leomon)

Z'd Garurumon (Jogressed with Victory Greymon)
Evolves To
Omega Shoutmon (with Shoutmon) 
Omegamon X-Antibody (with X-Antibody)
Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode (Jogress with Imperialdramon: Fighter Mode)

Omegamon X-Antibody (with X-Antibody)
Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode (Jogress with Imperialdramon: Fighter Mode)

Source: Wikimon