| DigimonBASIC:> /digidex
← Digidex



Main Info

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The "Armed-reconnaissance Mode" born from two Digimon's overflowing curiosity. It specializes in methods of concealing its appearance, freely uses ninjutsu to penetrate enemy territory, and can transmit the enemy info it has accumulated to its allies with Monitamon's "Information Sharing" ability, and is able to withdraw whenever it likes without being noticed...however, although it has this potential, for some mysterious and specific reason, it is never seen exhibiting this ability. Because its curiosity easily gets the best of it, it frequently sneaks into areas differing from its objective, and performs the wrong armed reconnaissance against its better judgment. In particular, there are many eyewitness reports of it at hot springs or pools. It insists that it is a "scout", not a "voyeur".

Evolves From

Shoutmon + Monitamon XW23

Evolves To

Source: Wikimon

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