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Skull Knightmon

Skull Knightmon

Main Info

Attribute: -
Type: Undead DD
Field: -


A big brother who exchanged cups of brotherhood with Deadly Axemon. As a knight which excels in cunning, its behavior is based on its policy, "Those who are knights must fight. Even more than fighting, they must win," and generally speaking, it puts importance on the outcomes in which it wins. Moreover, it will unabashedly perform any kind of unclean act to arrive at that result. It specializes in combat which capitalizes on the size of its body, and the manner in which it dives at the opponent's chest, swinging its "Spear Needle", shows off the unthinkable actions of a knight that has forgotten its pride.

Evolves From

Knightmon (with Vamdemon and Chrysalimon) Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars

Evolves To

Dark Knightmon (w/ Deadly Axemon) http://i51.tinypic.com/25kh73c.jpg_http://i51.tinypic.com/25kh73c.jpg/span
Darkness Bagramon (w/ Bagramon & Deadly Axemon) http://www.carddass.com/digimon/game/unit_6th.html_Super_Digica_Taisen:_Sixth_Act_DigiXros_Units_/span
Grey Knightsmon (w/ Deadly Axemon, Greymon, Mail Birdramon) or (w/ Metal Greymon and Deadly Axemon) http://www.carddass.com/digimon/game/unit_4th.html_Super_Digica_Taisen:_Fourth_Act_DigiXros_Units_/span
Muso Knightmon (w/ Deadly Axemon, Tuwarmon) http://http://web.archive.org/web/20130828045118/http://digimon.net/figure/index.html_Digimon_Xros_Figure_Series_11:_Tsuwamon_Set/span
Shoutmon X3SD (w/ Shoutmon X3 and Deadly Axemon) or (w/ Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Dorulumon, Deadly Axemon) Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars
Skull Knightmon: Naginata Mode (w/ Deadly Axemon) http://digimon.net/figure/index.html_Digimon_Xros_Figure_Series_07:_SkullKnightmon__DeadlyAxemon_Set/span
Skull Knightmon: Arrow Mode (w/ Deadly Axemon) http://digimon.net/figure/index.html_Digimon_Xros_Figure_Series_07:_SkullKnightmon__DeadlyAxemon_Set/span
Skull Knightmon: Big Axe Mode (w/ Deadly Axemon) http://digimon.net/figure/index.html_Digimon_Xros_Figure_Series_07:_SkullKnightmon__DeadlyAxemon_Set/span
Skull Knightmon: Cavalier Mode (w/ Deadly Axemon) Digimon Xros Wars - Episode 19Digimon Xros Wars: Legendary Deckerdramon Stir

Source: Wikimon

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